Volunteer Opportunities
Art in the High Desert is a juried fine arts and crafts show, produced by active show artists and local arts advocates through a non-profit organization. We are all volunteers. It’s all of us working together that makes this community event happen and gives it that Central Oregon touch.
Volunteers are often the primary contact the artists and the public have with the show. We receive compliments each year on the quality and friendliness of our volunteers. You are the BEST! And we couldn’t do this without you!
There are many possibilities for volunteers from the day before the show, during the show, and the day after. Volunteer shifts are generally scheduled in 3-hour blocks, and you can even invite your family and friends to join you. This can be a great weekend for all!
Do you want to be added to our Volunteer Team? Email us at volunteers@ArtintheHighDesert.com with your contact information. We will get back to you shortly.